Regain hormone balance and reclaim your best you.
Upcoming Events

Menofest: 17th June 2023
Menofest is all about Menopause. It’s a platform to bring all those signs & symptoms that have plagued women for generations up to the fore, generate discussion & put expert advice in one place.
Menofest is back!
And this time it's accessible to EVERYONE!
Between 9.30am & 2.30pm on June 17th there'll be discussion, activities, expert advice, guidance & tips on all things peri/menopause.
5 health professionals will explain just what the heck is going on with your symptoms, how you can take back control over your health & start feeling like yourself again.
Our experts will show you how you CAN get back to feeling & looking your best. You'll leave with real actions you can take day to day & the contacts to support you going forward.
Areas covered: HRT and other pharmaceutical options; nutrition; movement; sleep & stress management; confidence, empowerment & tools to help make those habit changes.
For everyone going through peri/menopause & feeling in the dark, like you're losing your mind, wondering if you'll ever sleep again, unable to shift that spare tyre, drowning in a sea of information or parched from a dearth of information, this event is for you.
It's everything you need to know, explained in simple terms.
It's a fun, educational, enlightening, inspiring event.
I'm interested!Past Events

Menofest 6th November!
Date: Sat 6 Nov 2021 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM GMT
Location: Veranda Room, Nobles Park Pavilion, Douglas, IM2 4BD
Come join us at the latest Menofest experience for a morning of inspiration, fun, food & relaxation.

Menofest - the rerun
Date: Thu 17 Jun 2021 6:00 PM - 10:30 PM BST
Location: The Embassy Room, The British, North Quay, IM1 4LB
Further to last month's event & the overflow of interest resulting in many people not being able to join us, I am very, very pleased to announce that we are offering Menofest - the rerun.

Menofest in Ramsey: the rerun!
Date: Wed 25 May 2022 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM BST
Location: Mitre Function Room, 16 Parliament Street, Ramsey, IM8 1JW
Following the sell-out of the event of 18th May, the same team of professionals are delighted to add this further date to the diary.

Menofest in Ramsey!
Date: Wed 18 May 2022 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM BST
Location: Mitre Function Room, 16 Parliament Street, Ramsey, IM8 1JW
An informal evening of discussion, activities, expert advice, guidance & tips on all things peri/menopause.

Date: Thu 22 Apr 2021 6:30 PM - 11:00 PM BST
Location: The Embassy Room, The British, North Quay, IM1 4LB
An informal evening of discussion, activities, expert advice, guidance & tips on all things peri/menopause.
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As a graduate of the renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition my practice is founded in a fundamental understanding of the human body, a respect for scientific evidence and a love of food.