eLearning Courses
Learn from the comfort of wherever you are, anytime.
Our eLearning courses have been created to co-exist alongside our facilitator lead sessions.
Whether you decide to complete our online courses as standalone activities via the LLN Learning Environment or alongside a facilitator lead programme, we are confident that the learning outcome for both approaches will be delivered successfully.
Already have a Learning Management System? SCORM or cmi5 files can be provided.

Menopause - The Basics
*Price is per user/licence*
This course includes:
- Introduction
- What is Menopause?
-Menopause Self-help Tools
-Accommodating Menopause in the Workplace
-How to support as a partner
Estimated Duration - 30 Minutes
Available for 1 year from booking date
Certificate provided post completion

Menopause - For Managers
*Price is per user/licence*
This course includes:
- Introduction
- What is Menopause?
- Menopause and the Workplace.
- What Can Employers Do?
-How to Support Your Team
Estimated Duration - 40 Minutes
Available for 1 year from booking date
Certificate provided post completion

Thriving In Menopause
*Price is per user/licence*
This course includes:
- Introduction
- What is Menopause?
- The range of symptoms & why
- Supportive lifestyle changes
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Reframing the experience
Estimated Duration - 45 Minutes
Available for 1 year from booking date
Certificate provided post completion
Would you like to discuss your options for any of the eLearning courses?
Please submit your enquiry below
A lovely testimonial from Sarah Ingrassia,
MD at Boston Multi Family Office

As a graduate of the renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition my practice is founded in a fundamental understanding of the human body, a respect for scientific evidence and a love of food.