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Key nutrients to naturally support the menopausal transition menopause nutrition perimenopause sexhormones stress Dec 21, 2022

Food focus for your best menopause

I could quickly summarise this as: eat food from a farm, not a...

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Menopause & stress: The gruesome twosome! menopause stress Apr 22, 2022

Getting a handle on your stress levels is central to managing menopause symptoms. Declining...

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Are your bits a bit sore? menopause perimenopause sexhormones Apr 15, 2022

It is incredibly rare for women to tell me about vaginal dryness or problems with sexual function...

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Sleep: when it’s just not happening menopause perimenopause stress Apr 08, 2022

Did you know that the World Health Organisation has declared a sleep loss epidemic across...

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Hot flushes menopause perimenopause stress Mar 25, 2022

85% of women who experience symptoms of peri/menopause will know about hot flushes.

They are far...

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How do you know if you’re in Menopause? menopause nutrition Mar 23, 2022

In the West, menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45 & 55 with 51 being the average...

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Heart Health in Menopause menopause nutrition stress Mar 18, 2022

If you watched Davina last year on Sex, Myths & the Menopause, you’ll know that...

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‘Health Food’ that is anything but. menopause nutrition Mar 11, 2022

Most of us are aware of those foods that we should enjoy as treats, but not make a major part of...

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Beating brain fog menopause stress Mar 04, 2022

In a nutshell, getting your brain to function at its best centres around consistently consuming a...

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Managing anxiety in menopause – some basics menopause nutrition stress Feb 25, 2022

In terms of food the headline info is – eat regularly, no skipping of meals – you...

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