MITW isn't just for WMD!
Dec 25, 2023You may be lucky enough to be working for a menopause-friendly employer who has awareness training in place; a policy that is reflected in action; & empathetic line management that walks the talk.
Unfortunately, a 2022 study by the Fawcett Society suggests that you may be in the minority.
Their report, Menopause & the workplace, suggests that workplaces are still failing women in menopause & that change is needed.
- One in ten women who worked during the menopause have left a job due to their symptoms.
- Eight out of ten women say their employer hasn’t shared information, trained staff, or put in place a menopause absence policy.
- Almost half of women haven’t approached their GPs and three in ten have seen delays in diagnosis.
- Only four in ten women were offered HRT in a timely fashion.
It goes without saying that HRT is not the be-all & end-all for women in menopause, BUT, it can be a fantastically helpful tool; is a game-changer for some women; & if you want it & it's appropriate for you, it should be the first-line treatment for symptoms of menopause offered by your GP.
Further to their findings, the society is calling on the Government to:
- Require employers to have menopause action plans
- Make flexible work the default
- Implement a public information campaign and invite every woman in to speak with her GP about menopause at an appropriate age
- Ensure GPs receive mandatory training to help diagnose menopause earlier.
There are demographic, legal, financial & social imperatives to harnessing the skills, experience and talents of menopausal women, so we don't lose out, our workplaces don't lose out & society is the better for it.
Some of you may know that I am spending A LOT of time working with various employers on general menopause awareness & ensuring that managers are equipped & comfortable having those conversations with team members.
If this is something you're considering, or your workplace hasn't yet joined the ranks of those taking action, please give me a call or point them in my direction. Today is always a good day to make a positive change.
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